Ever wondered about the plants that give us the wonderful coffee we enjoy every day? Well, those plants are called coffee plants, and they play a big role in your morning pick-me-up. In this blog post, we’re going to answer a simple but interesting question: What does a coffee plant look like? We’ll take a closer look at these plants, their parts, and what makes them special. So, grab your favorite coffee, sit back, and let’s explore the world of coffee plants together. Stick around because the more you understand about these plants, the more you’ll appreciate your daily cup of joe.

What Does a Coffee Plant Look Like?

Spilled Coffee On Macbook (1)

A coffee plant is a fascinating and unique plant that has some distinctive features. Let’s break down what a coffee plant looks like:

  • Size and Shape: Coffee plants vary in size, but they are generally small to medium-sized shrubs or trees. When cultivated for coffee production, they are usually pruned to stay shorter, making it easier to harvest the coffee cherries.
  • Leaves: The leaves of a coffee plant are dark green and shiny. They are shaped like elongated ovals with pointed tips. These leaves grow in pairs on opposite sides of the stem.
  • Stem and Branches: Coffee plants have woody stems and branches. The branches often grow in a zigzag pattern. When they’re well cared for, coffee plants can look quite bushy.
  • Flowers: Coffee plants produce small, white, and fragrant flowers. These flowers have a sweet scent that is similar to jasmine. They typically grow in clusters at the base of the leaves.
  • Fruit (Coffee Cherries): The most interesting part of a coffee plant is its fruit, known as coffee cherries. These cherries start as small green buds and ripen into a vibrant red or sometimes yellow color. The cherries are about the size of a grape and contain two coffee beans inside.
  • Roots: The roots of a coffee plant are generally shallow but spread out widely. This helps the plant gather nutrients and water from the topsoil.
  • Overall Appearance: When you see a coffee plant in its natural habitat or on a coffee farm, it often has a lush and green appearance. The combination of dark green leaves, white flowers, and red coffee cherries can make it quite picturesque.

Where Does Coffee Come From?

Coffee comes from the seeds of coffee cherries, which are the fruit of the coffee plant (Coffea). These coffee cherries are commonly referred to as coffee beans, even though they are not true beans. Coffee beans are the seeds found inside the cherry-like fruit.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of where coffee comes from:

  • Coffee Plantation: Coffee is primarily grown in countries near the equator within a region known as the “Coffee Belt.” This belt includes countries in Central and South America, Africa, and parts of Asia. Coffee plants thrive in regions with the right combination of rainfall, temperature, and altitude.
  • Cultivation: Coffee is cultivated on coffee plantations or farms. These farms are often located in mountainous regions because coffee plants generally prefer higher elevations with cooler temperatures.
  • Harvesting: Coffee cherries are harvested once they ripen. Ripe cherries are typically red or, in some cases, yellow. The harvesting process can be done by hand-picking or mechanically using machines.
  • Processing: After harvesting, the coffee cherries undergo a process to extract the coffee beans. There are two primary methods: dry processing (natural) and wet processing. The chosen method depends on the coffee variety and local traditions.
    • Dry Processing: In this method, the whole cherries are spread out to dry in the sun. Once dried, they are mechanically hulled to reveal the beans inside.
    • Wet Processing: This method involves removing the outer pulp of the cherries, fermenting them, and then washing them to separate the beans.
  • Drying: The extracted coffee beans are dried further to reduce their moisture content and prepare them for storage and transport. This is an important step in maintaining the quality of the coffee.
  • Milling and Sorting: After drying, the beans are milled to remove any remaining layers of parchment or husk. They are also sorted to remove any defective or low-quality beans.
  • Roasting: The green coffee beans are then roasted to develop the flavors and aromas we associate with coffee. The roasting process is crucial in determining the taste profile of the final coffee.
  • Grinding: Once roasted, the coffee beans are ground to the desired consistency based on how they will be brewed.
  • Brewing: Finally, ground coffee is brewed using various methods like drip brewing, espresso, French press, and more, to produce the familiar coffee beverage that many people enjoy.

Types Of Coffee Plants

Coffee plants belong to the Coffea genus, and there are several species within this genus. However, when we talk about the types of coffee plants, we are usually referring to the most commonly cultivated and commercially significant coffee species. Here are the two main types of coffee plants:

  • Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica):

    • Origin: Arabica coffee is believed to have originated in the highlands of Ethiopia. It is often referred to as “mountain coffee” due to its preference for higher elevations.
    • Characteristics: Arabica coffee is known for its superior quality and smoother, more nuanced flavors. It has a milder, less bitter taste compared to other coffee species. Arabica beans contain less caffeine than other types of coffee.
    • Growth: Arabica plants thrive at altitudes between 2,000 and 6,000 feet (600 to 1,800 meters) above sea level. They require cooler temperatures and are more susceptible to pests and diseases.
    • Appearance: Arabica coffee plants typically have oval-shaped leaves and are more delicate in appearance compared to other coffee species. They produce small, round coffee cherries with two flat-sided beans inside.
  • Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora):

    • Origin: Robusta coffee is native to Central and West Africa, particularly in regions with lower elevations and warmer climates.
    • Characteristics: Robusta coffee has a stronger, more bitter flavor compared to Arabica. It is often described as having a more astringent and earthy taste. Robusta beans contain significantly more caffeine, making them more robust and less susceptible to pests and diseases.
    • Growth: Robusta coffee plants thrive at lower altitudes, typically below 2,000 feet (600 meters) above sea level. They are hardier and more resistant to pests, making them easier to cultivate.
    • Appearance: Robusta coffee plants have larger and more rounded leaves compared to Arabica. The coffee cherries are usually rounder and produce beans with a straighter, less curved shape.

History of How Coffee Was Introduced to the World

The history of how coffee was introduced to the world is a fascinating tale that spans centuries and multiple continents. Here’s a brief overview of how coffee made its way from the coffee forests of Ethiopia to become one of the most beloved beverages worldwide:

  1. Discovery in Ethiopia (9th Century): The legend of coffee’s discovery dates back to 9th-century Ethiopia. According to folklore, a goat herder named Kaldi noticed that his goats became unusually energetic after eating the red berries from a certain tree. Curious, Kaldi tried the berries himself and experienced a newfound alertness. He shared his discovery with local monks, who used the berries to create a drink to help them stay awake during long prayer sessions.
  2. Monastic Use (10th Century): Coffee’s use as a stimulating beverage spread within Ethiopian monasteries. The monks found that the drink helped them stay awake and focused during their religious rituals and night-time prayers.
  3. Coffee in the Arab World (15th Century): Coffee began to make its way beyond Ethiopia into the Arab world, particularly in the region that is now Yemen. By the 15th century, coffee cultivation and trade became established in Yemen. The Arabian Peninsula became a central hub for the coffee trade, and the drink was known as “qahwa.”
  4. Coffeehouses and the Ottoman Empire (16th Century): Coffeehouses, known as “qahveh khaneh,” started appearing in cities like Constantinople (now Istanbul) during the 16th century. These coffeehouses became centers for socializing, intellectual discussion, and entertainment. The Ottoman Empire played a significant role in spreading coffee culture throughout the Middle East and eventually into Europe.
  5. Coffee in Europe (17th Century): Coffee was introduced to Europe in the 17th century. Coffeehouses became popular in cities like Venice, Vienna, and London. Coffee’s stimulating effects were seen as a counterbalance to the sedative effects of alcohol, making it a favorite among intellectuals and socialites.
  6. Coffee in the Americas (17th Century): Coffee made its way to the Americas through European colonization. The first coffee plantations in the New World were established in the Caribbean, particularly on the island of Martinique. From there, coffee cultivation spread to Central and South America, where it thrived in the equatorial climate.
  7. Rise of Coffee Plantations (18th Century): By the 18th century, coffee became a major cash crop in various countries, including Brazil, Colombia, and Costa Rica. Coffee plantations played a significant role in shaping the economies of these regions.
  8. Modern Coffee Culture: Coffee continued to grow in popularity worldwide, and the 19th and 20th centuries saw the rise of coffee chains, coffee brands, and various brewing methods. Today, coffee is one of the most traded commodities globally, and coffee culture has become an integral part of daily life in many countries.


To sum it up, coffee’s journey from Ethiopia to worldwide fame is an incredible story. When we talked about what coffee plants look like, we found out they have green leaves, pretty white flowers, and colorful coffee cherries. Knowing this helps us understand where our coffee comes from and makes us appreciate it even more.

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