Curious about how long does cooked shrimp last in the fridge. You’ve come to the right place to find the answer! Cooked shrimp is not only delicious but also versatile in the kitchen. It’s handy to know how long you can keep it in the fridge while ensuring it stays safe to eat. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the shelf life of cooked shrimp when stored properly and share easy tips for safe storage. So, let’s explore the world of keeping cooked shrimp fresh and tasty! Stick with us for all the details you need.

How Long Does Cooked Shrimp Last In The Fridge

How Long Does Cooked Shrimp Last In The Fridge

How long does raw shrimp last in the fridge?

Raw shrimp, when stored properly in the fridge, can last for up to 1 to 2 days. It’s crucial to keep it at a temperature of 32°F to 38°F (0°C to 3°C) to maintain its freshness and prevent bacterial growth. To extend its shelf life, store the raw shrimp in an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag to prevent any exposure to air. Additionally, placing the container or bag on a plate with paper towels can help absorb excess moisture, keeping the shrimp in optimal condition. It’s best to use raw shrimp as soon as possible or freeze it for longer storage, where it can stay fresh for up to 3 to 6 months.

How long does cooked shrimp last in the fridge?

Cooked shrimp, when refrigerated correctly, can remain safe and delicious for up to 3 days. The key is to store it in an airtight container or a sealed plastic bag to prevent moisture loss and exposure to other odors in the fridge. Maintaining a temperature of 32°F to 38°F (0°C to 3°C) is essential to preserving the quality of cooked shrimp. To ensure safety and flavor, always check for any signs of spoilage, such as off-putting odors or unusual textures, before consuming. If you need longer storage, consider freezing cooked shrimp, where it can last for 2 to 3 months without sacrificing taste or safety.

Why is it important to understand what shrimp are?

Shrimp is a popular and versatile seafood that serves as a central ingredient in various culinary dishes. It refers to a group of small, aquatic crustaceans belonging to the order Decapoda, and they are particularly known for their delicate, sweet flavor and tender texture. Shrimp are commonly found in both saltwater and freshwater environments, and they come in various species, sizes, and colors, ranging from small brown or pink shrimp to larger tiger shrimp. In the context of your article on how long cooked shrimp lasts in the fridge, it’s important to note that shrimp, once cooked, can be a delectable addition to your meals, but proper storage is essential to maintain its freshness and quality.

How To Store Cooked Shrimp In The Fridge?

Storing cooked shrimp in the fridge is crucial to ensure it remains safe to eat and maintains its delicious flavor. Here are some essential tips on how to store cooked shrimp in the fridge effectively, keeping in mind the topic of how long cooked shrimp lasts:

  • Cool It Down Quickly: After cooking, allow the shrimp to cool down to room temperature before storing it in the fridge. Avoid leaving them at room temperature for extended periods, as this can promote bacterial growth.
  • Use an Airtight Container: Place the cooked shrimp in an airtight container to prevent exposure to air, which can cause moisture loss and affect the shrimp’s texture and taste.
  • Add a Damp Paper Towel: To help maintain moisture, consider adding a damp paper towel to the container. This can prevent the shrimp from drying out.
  • Label and Date: Always label the container with the date of storage to keep track of how long the shrimp has been in the fridge.
  • Store at the Right Temperature: Maintain a fridge temperature of 32°F to 38°F (0°C to 3°C) to ensure the shrimp stays safe and fresh.
  • Avoid Overcrowding: Arrange the shrimp in a single layer in the container to prevent them from sticking together. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooling and potential spoilage.
  • Store Away from Strong Odors: Keep the shrimp away from strong-smelling foods in the fridge to prevent odor absorption, which can affect the shrimp’s taste.
  • Consume Promptly: Cooked shrimp is at its best quality when consumed within 2 to 3 days. While it may be safe to eat for up to 3 days, it’s advisable to enjoy it sooner for the best taste and texture.
  • Consider Freezing: If you don’t plan to use the cooked shrimp within a few days, consider freezing it. When frozen in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed bag, cooked shrimp can last for 2 to 3 months without significant quality loss.


can cooked shrimp go bad in the fridge?

Yes, cooked shrimp can go bad in the fridge if not properly stored or if it exceeds its safe storage duration.

why do cooked shrimp go bad in the fridge?

Cooked shrimp can go bad in the fridge due to several reasons:

  • Bacterial Growth: Even though cooking shrimp kills most bacteria, some may still survive. Over time, these bacteria can multiply, leading to spoilage.
  • Moisture Loss: Exposure to air can cause cooked shrimp to lose moisture, making them dry and unappetizing.
  • Odor Absorption: Cooked shrimp can absorb odors from other foods in the fridge, affecting their flavor.
  • Temperature Fluctuations: Fluctuations in fridge temperature can impact the shelf life of cooked shrimp. It’s essential to maintain a consistent temperature.
  • Improper Storage: If not stored in an airtight container, cooked shrimp can be exposed to air and contaminants, hastening spoilage.

What Should I Do If I Want To Store My Cooked Shrimps Longer?

Freeze the cooked shrimp in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed bag to store them for a longer period, typically up to 2 to 3 months.

Can you eat cooked shrimp after 5 days?

While it’s generally safe to eat cooked shrimp after 5 days if stored properly in the fridge, its quality may have deteriorated, so it’s best to consume it within 3 days for optimal taste and texture.

How do you know if cooked shrimp has gone bad?

You can tell if cooked shrimp has gone bad by checking for these signs:

  • Unpleasant Odor: If the shrimp emits a strong, sour, or ammonia-like odor, it’s likely spoiled and should be discarded.
  • Texture Changes: Spoiled shrimp may become slimy, mushy, or have a rubbery texture instead of being firm and slightly springy.
  • Unusual Color: Fresh-cooked shrimp should have a translucent or pinkish hue. If they appear discolored, especially if they turn gray, it’s a sign of spoilage.
  • Off-putting Taste: If the shrimp taste bitter, sour, or rancid, they have likely gone bad.

Does cooked shrimp go bad in the fridge?

Yes, cooked shrimp can go bad in the fridge if not stored properly or if it exceeds its safe storage duration. It’s essential to follow proper storage guidelines and consume it within a reasonable timeframe to ensure its safety and quality.

Can I eat cooked shrimp 3 days later?

Yes, you can typically eat cooked shrimp three days later if it has been stored properly in the fridge. However, its quality may have deteriorated slightly, so it’s best to consume it within three days for optimal taste and texture. Always check for any signs of spoilage, such as an unpleasant odor, unusual texture, or off-putting taste, before consuming.


In conclusion, the shelf life of cooked shrimp in the fridge primarily depends on proper storage and handling practices. How long does cooked shrimp last in the fridge? Cooked shrimp can typically be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 to 4 days. However, it is essential to keep it in an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag to maintain its freshness. Beyond this recommended timeframe, the quality and taste of the shrimp may deteriorate, and there is a risk of spoilage. To ensure the longevity of your cooked shrimp and minimize food waste, always adhere to food safety guidelines and consume it within the suggested timeframe.

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