Descaling your OXO coffee maker is a vital step in ensuring its longevity and quality. Minerals and contaminants can accumulate in the water tank and the internal components of the coffee maker over time, resulting in a decline in performance and flavor. Regular descaling aids in the removal of this accumulation and ensures that your coffee maker continues to perform optimally. We’ll go through how to properly descale your OXO coffee machine in this post.

How To Descale Oxo Coffee Maker?

How To Descale Oxo Coffee Maker

To descale your OXO coffee maker, follow these steps:

  1. Remove any leftover coffee from the carafe and empty the water tank.
  2. Combine equal parts water and white vinegar.
  3. Pour the descaling solution into the water tank.
  4. Run a brew cycle, then switch off the machine and set it aside for 30 minutes.
  5. Restart the coffee machine and finish the brewing cycle.
  6. Remove the carafe and water tank.
  7. To eliminate any residual vinegar solution, thoroughly rinse the carafe and water tank.
  8. To eliminate any lingering vinegar flavor, repeat the process with just clean water.
  9. Reassemble your coffee machine after cleaning it.
  10. Before using it again, do one more brew cycle with only clean water.

Descale your coffee maker every 3-6 months or as directed by the handbook, depending on the mineral concentration of the water you use.

How To Descale An Oxo Coffee Maker With CLR?

To descale an OXO coffee maker using CLR, follow these steps:

  1. Remove any leftover coffee from the carafe and empty the water tank.
  2. Make a solution of one component CLR and six parts water.
  3. Pour the descaling solution into the water tank.
  4. Run a brew cycle, then switch off the machine and set it aside for 30 minutes.
  5. Restart the coffee machine and finish the brewing cycle.
  6. Remove the carafe and water tank.
  7. To eliminate any residual CLR solution, thoroughly rinse the carafe and water tank.
  8. To eliminate any lingering CLR flavor, repeat the operation with just clean water.
  9. Reassemble your coffee machine after cleaning it.
  10. Before using it again, do one more brew cycle with only clean water.

It is important to note that CLR is a powerful cleaning solution, and using it in excess or leaving it in the coffee maker for too long can cause damage to the internal components of the machine. Please follow the instructions on the CLR package and the manual of your coffee maker. It is also recommended to check the compatibility of CLR with your coffee maker, before using it.

Vinegar VS Descaling Agent:

Vinegar is a popular descaler for coffee machines, especially the OXO model. When vinegar is combined with water, it forms an acidic solution that can break down and dissolve mineral buildup in the water tank and internal components of the coffee maker. Many people prefer to descale their coffee maker using vinegar since it is a natural, low-cost, and non-toxic alternative to commercial descaling products.

CLR is another alternative for descaling an OXO coffee machine (Calcium, Lime, and Rust remover). CLR is a strong cleaning solution designed particularly to remove difficult mineral buildup and stains. CLR is well-known for its efficiency and efficacy in eliminating difficult mineral buildup and stains. It also removes rust and hard water stains, which can help your coffee machine last longer. However, it is critical to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and check the compatibility with your coffee maker before use, as it may cause harm to the internal components if used excessively or left in the coffee maker for an extended period of time.

How Often To Descale OXO Brewers

It is recommended to descale your OXO coffee maker every 3-6 months, or as recommended in the manual, depending on the mineral content of the water you use.

Can I use vinegar to descale my Oxo coffee maker?

Yes, you can use vinegar to descale your OXO coffee maker by mixing it with water to create an acidic solution that can break down and dissolve mineral buildup. It is an inexpensive, natural, and non-toxic alternative.

What does the red triangle mean on the Oxo coffee maker?

The red triangle on the OXO coffee maker typically indicates a warning or an alert. It’s a visual indicator that there might be an issue or a specific action needed. To understand the exact meaning of the red triangle on your OXO coffee maker, it’s recommended to refer to the user manual that came with the appliance. The manual should provide information about different icons and symbols, including the red triangle, and what they signify in the context of your specific coffee maker model.

How long is oxo descaling?

The time it takes to descale an OXO coffee maker can vary depending on factors such as the specific model of the coffee maker, the level of mineral buildup, and the descaling solution being used. Generally, the descaling process can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes, plus additional time for the solution to sit and work on removing mineral deposits.

It’s important to follow the descaling instructions provided in your OXO coffee maker’s user manual or the descaling solution’s packaging. This will ensure that you effectively and safely remove mineral buildup and maintain the performance of your coffee maker.


Finally, descaling an OXO coffee maker is a straightforward operation that requires equal parts white vinegar and water. You can effectively remove any accumulation of mineral deposits and keep your coffee maker in good functioning condition by performing a brew cycle with this solution and then following it up with repeated cycles of fresh water. Not only can regular descaling improve the taste of your coffee, but it will also extend the life of your machine.

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