Regular cleaning of your coffee maker is required to get rid of any accumulated coffee grounds, oils, and mineral deposits that might impair its functionality and the flavor of your coffee. These materials can accumulate within the coffee maker over time, causing issues including blockages, delayed brewing, and bitter or off-tasting coffee. You can help prevent these issues and make sure that your coffee maker keeps producing delicious coffee by frequently cleaning it. Maintaining the general hygiene and cleanliness of your kitchen includes cleaning your coffee machine. if you are interested to learn how to clean the Braun coffee maker follow our guide. 

How To Clean Braun Coffee Maker

How To Clean Braun Coffee Maker

What do we need for cleaning the coffee maker?

You’ll need the following materials to clean your coffee maker:

  • A professional coffee maker cleaner or a cleaning solution like vinegar and water.
  • Use a gentle cloth or sponge to clean the coffee maker’s exterior.
  • a little brush or toothbrush for cleaning confined spaces, such as the spout or filter basket.

To clean various components of the coffee maker effectively, such as the filter basket or carafe, you might also need to disassemble them. To remove these components in this situation, you will also want a little screwdriver or other equipment. Additionally, it is a good idea to refer to your coffee maker’s instruction manual for detailed cleaning guidelines and the suggested cleaning agent to use.

Method#1 : How To Clean The Braun Coffee Maker- Descaling Solution

The procedures for cleaning a coffee maker are as follows:

  1. Begin the descaling process for your Braun coffee maker:
    • Remove the charcoal water filter holder and permanent filter, keeping the brew basket in place.
  2. Dilute Braun descaling solution:
    • Follow the instructions on the packaging.
    • Mix the descaling solution with water as directed.
  3. Add diluted solution to water tank:
    • Carefully pour into the coffee maker’s water tank.
  4. Position empty carafe:
    • Place the carafe securely in its spot.
  5. Initiate cleaning program:
    • Press the CLEAN button.
    • An indicator light will start flashing.
    • For certain models, press the BREW button after CLEAN.
  6. Cleaning cycle underway:
    • Cannot be stopped until completed (about 45 minutes).
    • The green LED light turns off when finished.
  7. Completion of cleaning cycle:
    • Discard dirty cleaning solution from a carafe.
    • Thoroughly clean carafe.
  8. Flush out a residual solution:
    • Run 2-3 brewing cycles with clean water.
  9. External cleaning:
  10. Thoroughly clean removable parts:
    • Consider soaking the filter holder, filter basket, etc., in a diluted descaling solution.

Method# 2 : How to clean Braun Coffee Maker with Vinegar

Certainly, here’s the information presented in bullet points:

  • Using Vinegar for Descaling:
    • Fill the coffee maker’s water reservoir with a solution of equal parts water and vinegar.
    • Pour the solution through the coffee machine as if you were brewing coffee.
  • Rinsing Process:
    • After running the vinegar solution, discard it.
    • Thoroughly rinse the coffee maker with fresh water.
  • Effectiveness:
    • This process helps eliminate mineral deposits that could impact your coffee maker’s performance.

Using a vinegar solution in these steps can effectively descale your Braun coffee machine, ensuring its continued optimal functionality and preserving the quality of your coffee.

Method# 3 : How to clean Braun Coffee Maker with Lemon Juice

Here are the steps to follow to clean your Braun coffee maker with lemon juice:

  • Remove the charcoal water filter holder and permanent filter from your coffee maker. You can leave the brew basket in place.
  • Mix one cup of lemon juice and one cup of water in a measuring cup. You can use bottled 100% lemon juice concentrate or fresh lemon juice.
  • Pour the lemon water mixture into the water tank of your coffee maker.
  • Place an empty carafe on the warming plate and press the CLEAN button. Some models may require you to press the BREW button as well to start the cleaning cycle.
  • Wait for about 45 minutes until the cleaning cycle is complete. The green CLEAN light will turn off when it is done.
  • Discard the dirty lemon water from the carafe and rinse it well with clean water.
  • Run two or three brewing cycles with fresh water only to rinse out any traces of lemon juice from the coffee maker.

Method# 4 : How to clean Braun Coffee Maker with Bleach

Bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can help you sanitize your Braun coffee maker and remove any stains, odors, or mineral deposits. However, bleach can also be harmful if ingested or inhaled, so you need to be careful when using it and follow some safety precautions. Here is how to clean your Braun coffee maker with bleach:

  • Before you start, make sure you have a gallon of water, two teaspoons of bleach, and a clean cloth.
  • Remove the charcoal water filter holder and the permanent filter from your coffee maker. You can leave the brew basket in place.
  • In a large container, mix two teaspoons of bleach with a gallon of water. Stir well to dissolve the bleach.
  • Pour the bleach solution into the water tank of your coffee maker. Place an empty carafe on the warming plate.
  • Press the CLEAN button to start the cleaning cycle. Some models may require you to press the BREW button as well. The green CLEAN light will flash while the cycle is running.
  • Wait for about 45 minutes until the cycle is complete. The green CLEAN light will turn off when it is done.
  • Dispose of the dirty bleach solution from the carafe and rinse it well with clean water.
  • Run at least four brewing cycles with fresh water only to rinse out any traces of bleach from the coffee maker. Make sure the water runs clear and has no smell of bleach.
  • Wipe the exterior of your coffee maker with a damp cloth and let it air dry.

Method# 5 : How to clean Braun Coffee Maker with Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural and effective way to clean your Braun coffee maker and remove any stains, odors, or mineral deposits that may affect the taste and quality of your coffee. Baking soda is a mild alkaline that can dissolve the hard water deposits and coffee oils that accumulate inside your machine over time. Here are the steps to follow to clean your Braun coffee maker with baking soda:

  • First, you need to prepare a baking soda solution. Take one or two tablespoons of baking soda and dissolve it in a liter of warm water. You can adjust the amount of baking soda and water depending on the size of your coffee maker.
  • Next, you need to empty your coffee maker and remove the charcoal water filter holder and the permanent filter. You can leave the brew basket in place.
  • Then, you need to pour the baking soda solution into the water tank of your coffee maker. Place an empty carafe on the warming plate and press the CLEAN button. Some models may require you to press the BREW button as well to start the cleaning cycle. The green CLEAN light will flash while the cycle is running.
  • The cleaning cycle will take about 45 minutes to complete. The green CLEAN light will turn off when it is done. You need to discard the dirty baking soda solution from the carafe and rinse it well with clean water.
  • Finally, you need to run two or three brewing cycles with fresh water only to rinse out any traces of baking soda from the coffee maker. Make sure the water runs clear and has no smell of baking soda.

How Often To Descale A Braun Coffee Maker?

It is advised that you descale your Braun coffee maker every 3-6 months, or more frequently if you use it regularly. This will aid with the removal of any mineral deposits that may accumulate over time and affect the function of your coffee maker. If you find that your coffee maker is not operating as well as it should, or if brewing a pot of coffee takes longer than normal, it may be time to descale it. You can assist to extend the life of your coffee maker and keep it producing great-tasting coffee by descaling it regularly.

Can You Use Vinegar Instead Of Descaling Solution?

The answer is that vinegar can be used to descale your coffee maker. Since vinegar is a natural and efficient approach to eliminating mineral deposits and enhancing the functionality of their coffee maker, many people prefer to use it. Simply combine vinegar and water in equal parts and use the combination to clean your coffee maker as you would with a store-bought descaling solution. After the coffee maker has been properly rinsed with new water to get rid of any remaining vinegar flavor, discard the solution. Your coffee maker should be successfully descaled and function better after completing this procedure.

What Kind Of Vinegar Do You Use To Descale A Coffee Maker?

Any sort of vinegar will work to remove scale from a coffee maker, but white vinegar is the most popular choice. White vinegar is a gently acidic solution that works well to get rid of mineral deposits and other buildups that might be affecting your coffee maker’s function. Simply combine equal parts water and vinegar to use white vinegar to descale your coffee maker in the same manner as a store-bought descaling solution. After the coffee maker has been completely rinsed with new water to get rid of any remaining vinegar flavor, discard the solution that has been used. Your coffee maker’s performance should be enhanced as a result of this procedure.

How to Change Braun Coffee Maker Charcoal Filter

To change the charcoal filter in your Braun coffee maker, follow these steps:

  1. Inside the coffee machine, look for the filter housing. Typically, this is situated close to the water reservoir.
  2. Depending on the design of your coffee maker, push the release button or latch to unlock the filter housing.
  3. From the filter housing, remove the outdated charcoal filter.
  4. Make sure the new charcoal filter is firmly in place before inserting it into the filter housing.
  5. To remove any dirt or pollutants that may have gathered in the filter, close the filter housing and pour a pot of water through the coffee maker.
  6. To make sure the new charcoal filter is operating correctly, discard the water and repeat the procedure with fresh water.

Every two to three months, or as directed in the owner’s handbook of your coffee maker, the charcoal filter has to be changed. By doing so, you’ll help your coffee taste better and make sure your coffee maker is operating at peak efficiency. For detailed instructions on replacing the charcoal filter in your model coffee maker, it is also a good idea to study the instruction booklet that came with your coffee maker.


Q: How often should I clean my Braun coffee maker?

A: You should clean your Braun coffee maker once a month to remove mineral buildup and coffee residue. This will help to extend the life of your coffee maker and ensure that your coffee always tastes its best.

Q: What do I need to clean my Braun coffee maker?

A: You will need the following items to clean your Braun coffee maker:

  • White vinegar or a descaling solution
  • Water
  • A soft sponge or cloth
  • A paper filter (optional)

Q: Can I use a descaling solution to clean my Braun coffee maker?

A: Yes, you can use a descaling solution to clean your Braun coffee maker. Simply follow the instructions on the descaling solution package.

Q: How do I clean the carafe and other removable parts of my Braun coffee maker?

A: To clean the carafe and other removable parts of your Braun coffee maker, wash them with warm, soapy water. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly and dry them completely before using them again.


  • For a deeper clean, you can soak the carafe and other removable parts in a solution of one part vinegar to two parts water for 30 minutes before washing them.
  • To clean the spray head, simply wipe it down with a damp cloth.
  • If your Braun coffee maker has a permanent filter, you can clean it by rinsing it under running water and then soaking it in a solution of one part vinegar to two parts water for 30 minutes. Rinse the filter again and dry it completely before using it again.

Conclusion about how to clean Braun coffee maker

In conclusion, maintaining the cleanliness and performance of your Braun coffee maker is a simple yet vital task. By following the step-by-step process outlined above, you can ensure that your coffee maker remains free from scale buildup and residue. Regular descaling not only enhances the flavor of your coffee but also prolongs the lifespan of your machine. With the removal of the charcoal water filter holder, and permanent filter, and diligent use of the Braun descaling solution, you can keep your coffee maker operating at its best. Remember to also clean the external surfaces and removable components for a comprehensive cleaning routine. By incorporating these practices into your coffee-making routine, you can continue to savor the rich aroma and taste of your favorite brew, sip after satisfying sip.

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